Ah, we’re just finding out about today’s big event.
So just as Herb Caen (1916-1997) got a party for Herb Caen Way in 1996, Willie Brown (1934- 20__) is getting a party for the Willie L. Brown Junior span of the Bay Bridge in 2014.
What are the odds, which type of attack will come first?
Spray Paint: 1 to 1 favorite
Willie Brown is almost universally despised. The naming of this bridge was never put to a vote because Willie Brown would never win it. Ergo, the masses will speak with spray paint, most likely.
Ranged Weapon: 3 to 1
A drive-by shooting with a paintball gun certainly is a possibility. Shooting at a sign with a handgun or rifle, well that’s getting cray-cray.
Close Quarters Combat Weapon: 5 to 1
Shotgun blast, also cray cray.
Chemical attack: 10 to 1
I don’t know how this would work. Perhaps using paint thinner or acid.
Other: 12 to 1
Who knows, medieval mace hurled and embedded, baseball bat, bowling ball, truckasuarus? The mind boggles.
So, do I think it’s appropriate to troll the voting (and non-voting) public into action with this misguided sign deal? Yes.
So, do I think that CalTrans or whomever should have a GoPro or two in the areas of these signs? Yes.
And who will be the happiest when the attacks make the news?
One Willie Brown, srsly. He’ll love the attention